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Welcome to the healing power of Parts Work

Resolve your emotional wounds and turn your inner world into a safe and loving place--permanently.


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    Look - life can be brutal. I don’t want your inner world to be brutal, too.

    You’ve lived too long under the thumb of your inner critic. It’s time turn the tables and actually help that critical part of you release their pain and choose another role to play.

    You’ve spent too much energy keeping your confusing emotions at bay. It’s time to finally resolve them so you can live the rest of your life clear and free.

    You’re waking up to more of your power and you know it. All that new energy needs to be organized in a way that charges you up instead of sends you spinning.

    My parts work coaching will help you with all of that.

    What’s the difference my coaching makes?

    For starters, I address the number one mistake I see people making all the time in their healing journey. It’s a simple shift, but is fundamental to lasting healing.

    I also utilize a cutting-edge and effective inner healing modality, called Parts Work. Parts Work is so effective and so intuitive, that once you learn it, you will be shocked at how quickly your critical and confusing inner world turns into a clear and loving place—permanently.

    Want to know more?

    Click the button below, book a call with me, and I’ll show you how it works.

    What my client Rachel has to say about working with me 👇


    What my client Preston has to say about working with me 👇

    What my client Ben has to say about working with me 👇


    WAIT HOLD UP: Here’s all my coaching genius packaged into a consumable online course 👇


    From Buried to Free - A self paced program to resolve your emotional wounds and turn your inner world into a safe and loving place--permanently.

    Lifetime access to self-paced content so you can find support even as the seasons of life change

    A POTENT yet concise 8 hours of engaging lectures jam packed with healing, humor, & clarity (including videos and slides) - which you get to move through at your own pace

    Over 35+ parts work practices, meditations, and workbooks so you have all the tools to go through this healing transformation safe & empowered


    Parts Work Academy makes the difference between STRUGGLING to resolve your emotional wounds and ACTUALLY resolving them

    Join us today. Set yourself free.


    More Current Offers 👇


    1-on-1 VIP Coaching

    For the high-achiever experiencing heartbreak, going through a significant life transition — *cough* dark night of the soul *cough* — or is wanting to break through a healing/spiritual plateau.

    My coaching and shamanic gifts will help you resolve past wounds, come more alive in the present, and step into your future with eager clarity.

    This is an intimate one-on-one coaching container that includes weekly live video sessions & full Voxer access in between sessions. (Yes—you will be spoiled.)

    Mini Course: Become Your Own Best Friend

    A 7-day immersion into the life changing power of parts work. A self-paced mini-course for trauma survivors who want to experience the magic of parts work for themselves.

    It will give you a boost of clarity, confidence, and self-worth as well as blow your mind with an experience of truly being in relationship with yourself (as opposed to treating yourself like a broken robot).

    This is perfect if you’re wanting a quick (but potent) experience of the healing power of parts work.


    Looking for a free option? I got you!

    You can start using parts work & releasing your trauma with this free Meet A Part Of You Worksheet 👇


    Already know the basics of parts work?

    Check out how I am expanding the conversation in my free Advanced Parts Work email series 👇

    Join the free Advanced Parts Work email series

    From the masculine/feminine polarity of parts work to my groundbreaking 4 Inner Kingdoms framework -- fill out the form to get access to my free email series that expands the Parts Work conversation.

      We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

      New Book🥳

      “The Journey Home”

      This raw and vulnerable book will instill confidence, clarity, and hope where self-doubt used to be. It will inspire you with images of acrylic pouring art and give you a brand-new language to better understand yourself–even if you have been in the self-help game for a while.

      This book is especially for you if you have been doing your best to heal and thrive but there is still that part of you caught in old patterns and that still believes you are the most terrible combination of not enough and too much.

      The Journey Home speaks in a cutting-edge, trauma-informed, and parts-informed language that goes beyond the surface and addresses the root-cause of your pain. It will speak truth straight into your deepest darkness, but in a way that feels like a warm hug. And you are guaranteed to find a new insight you’ve never heard before.

      The book is divided into five sections, each touching on the five pillars of transformation. Each section is here to help you dissolve a different blockage that is keeping you from experiencing the freedom of unconditional self-love and self-trust.

      Follow the advice in this book and you just might find yourself laughing in the places that used to hurt–for good. The eyes through which you see yourself and the world will be so transformed, you’ll wish you’d read it sooner.

      Here’s what other people have said about working with me 👇


      “What is it like to be coached by Jordin?  Essentially, she pulls out the gems of yourself and presents them back to you with reverence. You may be both awed by your own brilliance and yet dismayed that you could not find it on your own. But that is why Jordin is here; to shepherd us back to the wisdom within.

      —MJ V


      “I have been amazed at the depth of insight I’ve received while practicing life coaching with Jordin.  Her ability to pull new information from me and use this to help me see my hidden motivations has helped me tremendously.  Having worked my entire life with many styles of therapists and coaches, I can say I have never looked forward to sessions like I look forward to my next appointment with Jordin.  I initially hesitated at the idea of a virtual meeting but have found this method of session work to be extremely convenient and every bit or even more productive to in-person sessions.”

      —Dave S.


      “During my work with Jordin I experienced a profound transformation in my own relationship with myself. I resolved the cognitive dissonance and came to a place of surrender and acceptance regarding my past, and a place of determined responsibility and integrity about my present and future. I could have not predicted the spiritual awakening that was going to occur during my unraveling but now I see that it had to be this way. Now I’m seeing changes/results in the outside world because of the new way I’m showing up.”

      Preston Swirnoff

      “There's no pressure, shame, or gimmicks. If you came here to really do the work, that's what will happen. Jordin will gently guide you to the answers, which are all inside of you. If she can help in any way outside of holding space for you, she'll go above and beyond to do it. You won't regret working with her.

      Through her own experience with the different parts of herself, Jordin has helped me become more comfortable with parts of me that were exiled many years ago. Acknowledging and validating these parts has helped my self-esteem, self-love, and my ability to be my own friend. Jordin has been an integral part of this and I wouldn't be at this point in my life if it wasn't for her. She will push you out of your comfort zone, gently, all while empathizing with your journey. She is an amazing coach, period.”

      —Jada Bates, Coach, @jada_._b (tiktok)


      “Jordin has the right empathy and is able to connect so well while moving the healing forward. I recommend her for anyone who wants to change their circumstances for the better.

      —Ambalica Angra

      “You will be changed forever. If you enter this container with an open heart, your life will never be the same. That this container, and working with Jordin James will shake you to your core, in the most beautiful way possible. Jordin's coaching, and guidance is a gift to this world, and working with Jordin means liberating your inner world. It means that you get to find love within, that even in the darkest moments you will find an inner leader that can hold you, love you. If you work with Jordin you will build the type of inner resilience and freedom that will move you from surviving to thriving.

      —Stephanie Padon


      “I recommend Jordin to anyone searching for themselves or answers. Who feels unworthy of great things. For those that are tired of the charade, putting up a front and pretending their way through life. She’s more than you'd ever expect and well worth the investment into yourself.

      Jordin went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable. Also, I was surprised by the amount of energy she seemed to be putting in outside of our sessions.”

      —Garrett Swaim


      “After Jordin’s coaching I can move forward without spinning and spinning in the same suffering place...and move forward WITH peace and love right next to me, regardless of the phase may be unfolding before me. Talk about making something impossible POSSIBLE!! Wow.

      I've also benefitted from knowing Jordin PERIOD. Jordin truly is one the first people I've talked with that went as deep as needed to talk to my parts, and speak their language. I mean...I’m so grateful for this...beyond words!

      To anyone thinking of coaching with Jordin, just know you're going to ball your eyes out when it's time to 'graduate'. You're not going to want it to END.”

      —Shellie J.

      “The relationship I have with all my parts, my Essence, my feelings, my experiences and myself in general is deeper than it's ever been. This means that I'm finding it so much easier to trust myself, to feel grounded and confident, to turn inwards for my own inner wisdom, to be able to surrender to all the uncertainty in life and feel safe in that and to have a radically different experience of life. It means I'm finally feeling confident about how to run my business in a way that feels good (something that I struggled with for a while), my relationships have improved, I feel less daunted by health issues and just feel better in myself.”

      - Jess Maxwell, Somatic Healing Guide, @_jessmaxwell


      “During my time with Jordin I turned in my retirement papers and gained a voice in the most significant relationships in my life.

      I’ve become a stable person, something I never believed I could be. I'm being a friend to others. I'm not afraid to look at myself more closely or to allow myself to feel things that seem difficult or messy.

      *cries* I haven't experienced someone being my friend on such a level. I want this for myself, for you and for everyone. I have something good to finally look back and remember so I can move forward.”

      —Shelly R.

      About Jordin

      Jordin became a heartbreak coach because it is what she deeply needed years ago. Because she has been there and it affected every area of her life. She spent years studying and learning everything she teaches.

      But Jordin James isn’t your average heartbreak coach, she’s also a parts work expert, inner-world thought leader and author of The Journey Home: Revolutionary Art and Wisdom to Point You Out of Trauma and into Self-Trust.

      As an ex engineer, she knows how to bridge practical, evidence-based modalities with the heart-centered medicine that helps heal emotional pain and empowers you to live an authentic life.

      Her offers include VIP one-on-one coaching, her flagship course: Parts Work Academy, and a mini-course called Become Your Own Best Friend.

      She also has a YouTube channel dedicated to helping you create a loving inner world and live the rest of your life free.

      @justjordinjames or

      A little more about my journey…

      My journey to inner peace was littered with betrayal.

      For instance, childhood was less than ideal. You know the drill: divorce, alcoholism, unstable living, existential loneliness haunting you around the playground...By sixteen, I was self-harming, depressed, and contemplating suicide.

      Parents betray. And yet, what do we do with the rupture of our unpredictable childhoods? We ignore it. Forge ahead. Become a moving target. Resilient little fuckers aren't we?

      So I hung on, got the impressive engineering degree, landed the fancy new job, found the man, got hitched, and bought a house. But I didn’t belong in my engineering career and it sucked the life out of me.

      Society’s ideals of success betray. And yet, what do we do with the reality of our disappointing career? We take a risk. Forge ahead. Become a beacon of strength. Adaptable little go-getters aren’t we? 

      So I gathered my courage, walked into my boss’s office—literally trembling—and quit... Six months later while building my business, I discovered my husband was cheating on me.

      Lovers betray. And what do we do in the wake of our broken heart? We curl into the fetal position. Stop forging ahead. Become a hollow version of our previous self. Tender little creatures aren’t we?

      In less than a year, I went from being a happily married woman with a successful engineering job and a cozy home to divorced, struggling to build my coaching business, and sleeping on my own guest bed in my friend’s loft.

      We betray ourselves. All our forging ahead leads us straight into a life we never wanted in the first place. 

      In the midst of our broken promises, we’re left asking ourselves, “Is there hope? Where did I go wrong? Is it too late to be happy?”

      These are the questions we’re left with when the positive affirmations and bubble baths stop working, when the success we crave turns out to be just as hollow as everything else we’ve used to self-medicate, and when all our clever skills that got us here aren’t enough to get us there.

      So at some point, instead of “forging ahead”...

      We must turn around, outstretch our arms, and fumble our way through our inner darkness.

      This is where we find the parts of ourselves we’ve abandoned. This is where we discover what we really want and how to finally get it. This is the road to happiness. 

      This was my quest. And now it’s yours too. 

      Are you ready to experience the happiness and wholeness you’ve been craving your entire life?


      What shifted for me (and what can shift for you, too!)

      Through competent support and the healing magic of parts work, I was able to heal my emotional trauma and set myself free.

      I am in the happiest relationship of my life, having transformed my disorganized attachment style into secure attachment.

      I’ve also built a successful coaching business where I have an absolute BLAST living my purpose and where I make more money than I did in my engineering job. (Take that, haters!)

      Not to mention the incredible shifts I have had with my body… I am in the best shape of my life, have no food restrictions, and no longer treat my body like a shameful object.

      I didn’t know life got to be this good for me—and it can be this good for you, too.

      Book a call with me and I will show you how.


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